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Steam: an extremely addictive game for less than €4, enjoy it quickly!

Valve's platform is known by PC gamers for its event promos that smash the price of hundreds, if not thousands, of games every year. But every week, Steam also makes many interesting promotions and sometimes lowers the price...



Bündner CBD: Natürliches Wohlbefinden aus dem Herzen der Schweizer Alpen

Graubünden, eine Region in der Schweiz, die für ihre atemberaubenden Alpenlandschaften und klare, frische Luft bekannt ist, bietet mehr als nur eine malerische Kulisse. Es...

Navigating the Digital Marketing Landscape with Google Ads Manager

In an era where businesses compete fiercely for a share of the digital space, making a meaningful connection with the target audience is more important...

Dragon Age 4 Dreadwolf: the announcement that everyone is waiting for is confirmed

Dragon Age 4 is on the right track. The development of the game will have been tedious and especially marked by a reboot in 2018. If the...

This is how the planet changes according to images captured by Google Earth Timelapse

 Google  Earth Timelapse  is a fast-motion video  of the entire planet , in which it is possible to zoom in and out, to appreciate the dynamic changes that have occurred on...

House of the Dragon: the serious things begin for season 2

The least we can say is that season 1 of House of the Dragon ends in an epic and spectacular way. What moreover to give the mouth water...

Ecotrends in e-commerce – cardboard boxes and cardboard packaging

Only change will save us According to the rather conservative estimates of the United Nations, by 2050 the world's population will reach 9.6 billion people. In practice,...

Online-Kiosken: En Smag af Amerika Leveret Hurtigt og Nemt

Online-Kiosken er en digital butik, der tilbyder en hurtig og bekvem måde at shoppe på med levering direkte til døren. Med en leveringstid på kun...

Purifying the air at home – does it make sense?

The history of air purifiers How does an air purifier work? Are air purifiers effective? How to use the air purifier correctly? Who is...

Wild garlic – properties, composition and use of wild garlic

How to recognize wild garlic? It has lily- of-the-valley-like leaves, so it's easy to miss. However, if we take a leaf in our hand and rub it gently, the...